Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Honey is in Wisconsin for a month at Fort McCoy and it is combat training to prepare to go to Iraq. He is will be gone for a month and they gave us less then a weeks notice. I wasn't sure about posting that he was gone becaue i didn't want to make myself vunerable but.........he has been gone a couple of days and i am never alone so life it good. Daniel doesn't understand and keeps asking "why did daddie go over there to sleep?" If anyone has any good tips to make this easier bring them on. we love our honey and hope that he pays attention in training to keep him safe. but that is what is up and our lives and i have to tell you I love paying attention to your lives. they blogs are wonderful. i get to see such cute kids and hear how you are doing. thanks everyone for your support.

1 comment:

Ms. W said...

Sorry to hear about him being deployed. I hope it is only a short time that he will be away.

There are a lot of books written for children on this subject. Try checking some out from the library.