Friday, October 17, 2008

Okay here's the story

So my sister Tricia took Daniel for originally a weekend so Steve and I could have a romantic get-a-away. Well I decided that since it is less then 100 degrees here (by a little bit) and we have our final home study coming up that our weekend rendezvous would be CLEANING!! I call it fall cleaning instead of spring cleaning. I mean dumping out drawers, throwing stuff away, and filing. I am a pack rat and to all my former roommates I am sorry. Cleanliness is not my strong suit. Daniel ended up staying for a week and I ended up busting my but scrubbing and going through stuff but in the end it is WONDERFUL. Now i just have to learn how to maintain. I am so stinkin proud of myself though that all of you have to see and hear about it. get to see my super cute kid whose return home today has made me so happy. I missed him. well I am off to watch speed racer with my boys. Our final home study is on Monday so pray for us. Will keep you posted.

1 comment:

The 4 of Us said...

WOW! Your house looks GREAT! i love how it feels after a good cleaning.